Hall of Distinction

LSU Alumni Spotlight

2023 Hall of Distinction Nominee: Andrew Whitworth

Andrew James Whitworth was an LSU sophomore on the BCS National Championship winning team in 2003, and nearly 20 years later led the Los Angeles Rams...

LSU Alumni Spotlight

2023 Hall of Distinction Nominee: Amy Brittain

Amy Brittain, an investigative reporter with The Washington Post since 2013, has specialized in coverage related to criminal justice and sexual...

LSU Alumni Spotlight

2023 Hall of Distinction Honoree: Nancy Perrier

Dr. Nancy Perrier is a tenured surgical oncologist and a Ruth and Walter Sterling Endowed professor in the Department of Surgical Oncology at MD...

LSU Alumni Spotlight

2023 Hall of Distinction Nominee: Donald Remy

The Honorable Donald M. Remy is a leader, speaker, executive, advisor, attorney, humanitarian, former military officer, and former athletics...

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